Home » AFRICA » Bureh Community Embraces Private Sector Management for New Tourism Facilities

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stakeholders and residents of Bureh Town have unanimously agreed to implement a private sector management model for the tourism and leisure facilities currently being developed at Bureh Beach. This decision was reached during a meeting organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) of the Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP).

The Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project aims to enhance Sierra Leone’s tourism sector by developing key locations such as Bureh Beach, Leicester Peak, and Tacugama. At Bureh Beach, the ongoing developments include a beach boardwalk, market stalls, a surf club, a restaurant, a jetty, public showers, green parking areas, and improved access roads.

Community Involvement in the Decision-Making Process

Prince Gaima, Tourism Specialist for the Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project, explained that the purpose of the meeting was to engage the Bureh community in choosing a management model for the new facilities. The community had previously suggested private sector management, and the broader community confirmed its support for this approach during the meeting.

Mohamed Jalloh, Director of the Tourism, Travel, and Exchange Programme, emphasized that the new facilities would create local employment opportunities and improve livelihoods in Bureh Town. He noted that the government’s vision is to transform Bureh Beach into a top-tier tourist destination, benefiting both the local community and the national economy.

A Step Towards Sustainable Tourism Development

After thorough discussions, the community, represented by Head-woman’s delegate Pa Tucker, agreed that the facilities would be managed by a private entity for five years. After this period, management responsibilities would be transferred to the community, which would have gained the experience needed to run the facilities independently.

This decision marks a significant milestone in the development of Bureh Beach, positioning it as a growing tourism hub that will contribute to both the local community and Sierra Leone’s broader tourism ambitions.

Tags: africa tourism news, African beach destinations, Bureh Beach, Bureh Beach tourism, Freetown, Leicester Peak, Project Coordinating Unit, sierra leone, Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project, Sierra Leone travel news, sustainable tourism, Tacugama, Tourism, Tourism news, Travel, Travel News, West Africa tourism, Western Area tourism news

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